Save for Later
1 Mar 2020 • 1 min read

At Goodcover, we like to say Insurance is a considered purchase. To us this means that you grab a cup of coffee, open your laptop, sit down, make some choices, and buy a policy. This also means someone else special in your life might be involved in this process.
Enter save for later. We added a feature during the quoting process to email yourself a link. You can pick up where you left off on any device after you click that link. Surprisingly, we've seen ~60% of people who use the feature start with mobile and finish with desktop, which further strengthens the argument that insurance is a considered purchase.
And here is what happens on the other side, and on the other side regardless of what device you're on, you can resume a quote and be right back where you left off.

At Goodcover, we balance making insurance frictionless but also recognizing it is a big decision for anyone.
We added the ability to include your Spouse/Partner in the quoting process.
Spouses are covered no matter if their name is on the policy. However, various insurance companies treat partners differently. We allow you to add one partner for no additional cost.
If you already have a policy with us, you can go to your Dashboard, click Edit Policy and add your spouse/partner there.
Update your Landlord
This is also known as an additional interest. Now you can update your landlord directly in the dashboard, like spouse/partner. Head over to the Dashboard, click Edit Policy and add or update your landlord there.
We'll be rolling out more features soon but in the meantime, we always love to hear feedback. Follow us on twitter @Goodcover.
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Team Goodcover • 19 Aug 2024 • 10 min read